闡述:此APP僅適用于AEE產品AIRPIX便攜式自拍無人機 This app is only applicable to AEE product AIR PIX portable selfie UAV?
發表時刻:2022-01-10 下載次數:
說明怎么寫:說明:此APP僅適用于CEE品牌產品SPARROW2,請根據不同的手機型號選擇下載。/ The APP is only available for CCE SPARROW2.
披露時間間隔:2022-03-04 下載次數:
闡明:此APP僅適用于AEE產品AIRPIX便攜式自拍無人機 This app is only applicable to AEE product AIR PIX portable selfie UAV?
發布公告時刻:2022-01-10 下載次數:
說明書怎么寫:此APP僅適用于AEE產品AIRPIX便攜式自拍無人機 This app is only applicable to AEE product AIR PIX portable selfie UAV
上傳事件:2021-03-23 下載次數:
證明:此APP僅適用于AEE產品AIRDUO。/ The APP is only available for AIRDUO
推送時候:2020-11-11 下載次數:
闡述:說明: 此APP僅適用于AEE產品SPARROW2,請根據不同的手機型號選擇下載。/ The APP is only available for AEE SPARROW2.
公布時光:2020-03-16 下載次數:
說明怎么寫:此APP僅適用于AEE產品AEE SELFLY,請根據不同的手機型號選擇下載。/ The APP is only available for AEE SELFLY.
推送時刻:2019-01-17 下載次數:
代表:此APP僅適用于AEE產品AirSelfie。/ The APP is only available for AirSelfie.
披露時長:2018-11-26 下載次數:
介紹:此APP僅適用于AEE產品AirSelfie2。/ The APP is only available for AirSelfie2.
推送日期:2018-09-25 下載次數:
闡明:適用于CONDOR/ SPARROW/ Lyfe Titan/ Lyfe Onyx/ Lyfe Silver/ M1/Slate Series等產品。 Direction: AEE official APP for UAV, Sport Camera and Hand Gimbal. It is available for CONDOR/ SPARROW/ Lyfe Titan/ Lyfe Onyx/ Lyfe Silver/ M1/Slate Series etc.
發布的的時間:2018-05-30 下載次數:
表明:AEE航拍、運動攝像機、手持云臺官方APP正式版; 此版本適用于Lyfe titan/Lyfe Onyx/Lyfe Silver/CONDOR STANDARD/CONDOR ELITE等機型!
上線時段:2016-09-29 下載次數:
發布了時長:2016-04-26 下載次數:
解釋:AEE航拍無人機AP系列相關產品官方APP正式版下載,限AP10 Pro/AP11-帶S61相機/AP12使用
發布公告時光:2016-01-22 下載次數: